Breast augmentation or breast enlargement is a surgical procedure to increase the size of woman’s breasts by placing breast implants under breast tissue or chest muscles. Some women feel that large breasts are more attractive than small or average size breasts. Their breasts did not develop to the desired size or they may have lost volume due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging. For these women, breast augmentation may provide a more flattering, better proportioned figure, expanded clothing options, and feelings of greater confidence and self-esteem.

Implant can be broadly classified as SALINE and SILICONE breast implants depending on its contents.

Saline implants have saline (salt water) solution inside the pliable silicon shell. Saline implants were extensively used prior to USFDA approval for cohesive gel implants. Saline breast implants are very safe, but have shown long term problems of rippling and deflation.

Silicon implants are available in the round or circular (most commonly used) as well as the anatomic or ‘teardrop’ shape. We use only US FDA approved Silicon implants.

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